50 € Gift Voucher

50 € Gift Voucher

50 Gift Voucher valid on all Prokeycoach services

50.00 CHF
APP - Tic Tak Skills - The complete training program

APP - Tic Tak Skills - The complete training program

  Unique 360° stickhandling & shooting progressive method. For young and pros.

39.00 CHF
Evolutive individualized Golf file

Evolutive individualized Golf file

A summary of YOUR motor preferences on the golf course and how to use them!

50.00 CHF
Evolutive individualized Hockey file

Evolutive individualized Hockey file

Summary of your on-ice motor skills and how to transfer it on the ice

50.00 CHF
Evolutive individualized Ski file

Evolutive individualized Ski file

A summary of YOUR motor preferences on skis and how to use them!

50.00 CHF
Kit combo 360° TicTak Zone

Kit combo 360° TicTak Zone

Improve your skills with the 360° TicTak Zone kit: training area, pucks, TicTak Skill app

237.00 CHF
Power Massage Ball

Power Massage Ball

Reduce YOUR tensions and pains. Easy to use, portable, and a true LIFE changer!

85.00 CHF

79.00 CHF
Super Pack x3 ! Your complete profile.

Super Pack x3 ! Your complete profile.

Superpack with your 3 files: Recovery/Fitness/Personality

99.00 CHF

reveal your game.

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