What is profiling?

Imagine being able to understand in depth what makes you unique as an athlete. 

With Profiling, immerse yourself in a dynamic approach to discovering your motor and cognitive preferences, propelling your performance to new heights!

Profiling is much more than a simple analysis. 

It's an exciting exploration of your natural strengths, innate movement patterns and mental capacities. 

Thanks to a battery of specialized tests, Prokeycoach brings to light your hidden assets and the aptitudes that define you.

Whatever your sport, whether you're a passionate basketball player, a keen runner, a champion tennis player, golfer, skier, field hockey player, footballer...


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4 dimensions to determine your profile

Profiling offers you an invaluable advantage: that of knowing yourself better, so that you can capitalize on your strengths to progress.

By understanding your motor and cognitive preferences, you can not only significantly improve your performance, but also reduce the risk of injury by working with, not against, your own body.

Profiling explores four essential dimensions:

  • Technique
  • Fitness
  • Recovery
  • Personal development



Prokeycoach offers different types of profiling

We offer different types of profiling:

One-to-one profiling: in-person profiling for optimum results

Distance video profiling: based on a video, our coaches establish your profile remotely.

Online self profiling: create your own profile using our self profiling app

Group profiling: the perfect solution for teams. The whole team is profiled by our coaches.


16 profile types

At Prokeycoach, we offer you extensive personalization thanks to our 5 Golden Motor Preferences.

These preferences, such as your front-back balance, your left or right visual radar, your strong shoulder, your external or internal articulations, and your ability to combine or dissociate the upper and lower body, are the keys to your athletic success.

By combining these preferences, we go from 16 basic profiles to a single personalized identification that will revolutionize your approach to training. 

Thanks to our unique methodology, we don't just help you optimize your physical performance, we also support you in the development of your mental and personal life.


The "golden" motor preferences

At Prokeycoach, our individualization system is based, among other things, on the 5 golden motor preferences.  

Among our 16 basic profiles (inspired by ActionTypes & MBTI), we individualize our teachings and exercises primarily using the following 5 preferences:

Golden prefrence #1. Front Foot & Backfoot: 

front-back balance systems based on the preferential use of the front (for back foot balance) and rear (for front foot balance) motor chains.

o These 8 profiles tend to be backfoot : D4, D2, D1, D3, G4, G2, G1, G3

o These 8 profiles prefer front foot : R4, R2, R1, R3, C4, C2, C1, C3

This preference is very important for balance, for the basic movements of your sport or of all your movements, but also for your individualized recovery. Note that front foot is aerial! So a big influence on the way you move, run etc.

Essential for individualized training. (all info in our secure portal)

Golden prefrence #2. Left or right radar: 

This is a peripheral visual preference. Nothing to do with dominant eye. 8 profiles have a preference for rapid information processing and multitasking when the action is on their left, others on their right. This preference is linked to "left brain" (= right radar) and "right brain" (= left radar) preferences.

o These 8 profiles are left radars : R1, R2, C2, C1, D2, D1, G2, G1

o These 8 profiles are right radars : G4, G3, R4, R3, C3, C4, D3, D4

This preference is crucial in everyday life and sport. It helps to avoid accidents and concussions, and to better act on one's strong side. Prokeycoach has also developed techniques for improving the weak side.

(all information on our secure portal)

Golden prefrence #3. Power shoulder: 

this is a rotation preference, long-short on one side for some, and short-long for others. We call it the power shoulder, because knowing this rotation preference and knowing how to use it is vital in all sports and beyond.

o These 8 profiles are power shoulder right : G1, G4, R4, R1, C3, C2, D2, D3

o These 8 profiles are power shoulder left : R2, R3, C4, C1, D4, D1, G3, G2

Super-important for all pitching and kicking sports (all info in our secure portal).

Golden prefrence #4. Articulations ext out int. :

This is a structural preference of the skeleton to organize itself. Either the posture is wider and the joints tend to move away from the axis of the body (articulations out) or they tend to stay in the axis of the body (articulations in). 

You can see this simply by shaking hands firmly (does the elbow move away?) or by the way you move your elbows apart when eating or not.

o These 8 profiles are articulations in : R1, R4, C4, C1, D4, D1, G4, G1

o These 8 profiles are articulations out : R2, R3, C3, C2, D3, D2, G3, G2

This is an important preference for all basic movements, bending, running, skating and so on. Failure to respect this motor preference is bound to lead to injury!

Golden prefrence #5. Associated or dissociated (shoulders-hips) :

 Here, we are talking about upper-body/lower-body dissociation (pelvic girdle/scapular girdle dissociation). People who dissociate a lot have a coordination zone located at the top of the back (Thoracic 8), while those who are associated have a coordination zone located at the bottom of the back (L5-S1). This zone is called the "mobile point" (Appelation ActionTypes).

o These 8 profiles have a "high" moving point: C2, C4, C1, C3, G1, G2, G3, G4

o These 8 profiles have a "low" mobile point: R1, R3, R2, R4, D1, D4, D2, D1

Knowing and identifying this preference is important for eliminating back pain. 

It is also crucial for individualizing all exercises and training sessions.

By combining 4 of these 5 golden preferences, we go from 16 profiles to just 1. The motor and cognitive profile also enables us to identify the personality traits of the person being tested, and to help him or her cope with these challenges to his or her mental and private life.

It's easy to get an initial profile by doing an initial test. But the important thing is to validate it.

Ready to discover your full potential? Discover our profiles.

reveal your game.

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