Behind the scenes of a coaching session with Tommaso de Luca


Congratulations to Tommaso de Luca on his first NHL hat-trick!

Behind the scenes of a coaching session with Tommaso de Luca

Behind the scenes...

Many people are unaware of the relentless efforts athletes make to reach or get closer to their goals.

It's a daily grind, relentless and sometimes tedious.

Here's a behind-the-scenes look at one aspect of training at ProKeyCoach.

coaching Tommaso de Luca

Join us for an inside look at the dedication and hard work that drives these athletes to excellence.

This post comes to congratulate Ambri player Tommaso De Luca on his first NHL hat trick (Congratulations to him 👏 ).


In our coaching, we go beyond the surface, focusing particularly on motor preferences and their significant influence on play, mental resilience, fitness and recovery.

Our approach goes beyond sport and is finely tuned to our players' individual motor and cognitive profiles, guaranteeing a personalized path to their development. 🎯

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